Giving Thanks at CommonPlaces!

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Happy Thanksgiving

The CommonPlaces team would like to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! We’ve been reflecting on the people and things that we are thankful for and we wanted to share our thoughts with you!

 Ben Bassi, CEO: “I am thankful for having such a wonderful family during this holiday season. How lucky am I to be surrounded by a loving, fun, supportive, caring family and significant others that have become such an important part of our family? I am also thankful everyday for the wonderful teammates I have here at CommonPlaces. It just doesn’t get any better than that. “
Michael Reich, Vice President: I’m thankful for tremendous friends and family and the support they provide, during good times and bad. We sometimes get caught up in our own routines and responsibilities, but when needed, they’re always there! Oh, and snowmaking!” 



Mike Machnik, Sr. Web Developer: I’m thankful for my amazing wife and four wonderful children, who make me laugh and smile every day, for having such a great team here at CP to work with, everyone using their talents to do what they can to help each other, and for the opportunity to work on fun projects and helping our clients succeed. And for Double Stuff Oreos.”

Lemu Santos, Sr. Web Design & Developer: “I am thankful for being blessed to work in the most exciting and dynamic area on Earth: The Internet.” 

John Carbone, Sr. Web Developer: “The question sort of rubs me the wrong way. In asking what I’m thankful for, it implies there are people or things that I’m not thankful for, which is untrue. Further, also it implies that I’m only thankful for certain things around certain holidays, when we’re encouraged to do so, which is also not true. I don’t have much and I don’t have many, but I have enough, and I’m thankful. 🙂 “

Brian Guessetto, Inbound Marketing Copywriter: There is much to be thankful for. I am thankful for my amazingly loving and supportive family, my great circle of friends, and the opportunity to work with such great people here at CommonPlaces while doing something I really love. I’m also thankful for the men and women who have served and are actively serving our country so that we can all freely enjoy this holiday season.”


Matt Morley, Director of Engineering: “I am thankful for those that came before us; for their contributions, both direct and indirect, in our daily lives. Thankful, in finding that others have encompassed in succinct wording, specific feelings; not only acting as a container, but as a measure of our lives.”

“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual… O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment” – Henry David Thoreau

Kendra Bassi, Project Manager: I’m eternally thankful for my friends and family who have made 2012 special and memorable. I’m so lucky to be given the opportunity to work alongside my father as well as an amazingly talented team here at CommonPlaces. Finally, I’m thankful for the creator of Pinterest, without it I wouldn’t know how to make creative holiday treats or how to turn random knickknacks into awesome decorations.” 
 Georgia King, Usability & Project Manager: “I’m thankful for my husband, my family, my friends, and all the amazingly talented geniuses that I have the privilege to work with every day! 🙂 “
Amanda Downie, Web Design / Developer: “I am thankful for having a family that is more than willing to drive a thousand miles just to see a family member who can’t be home for Christmas, even if only for a weekend. There is nothing greater than having that kind of full support, no matter what our endeavors may be.” 
 Carolyn Bowers, Inbound Marketing Analyst: I am thankful for having the best husband in the world who is always by my side, my wonderful family, and my comical pets (more like children). I am also thankful for the opportunity to work at CommonPlaces with my welcoming new coworkers. Oh, and the awesome Atlanta Braves.”
Kate Hassey, Digital Strategist: “My family and friends are just incredible and I am very thankful for them and what they bring to my life. I am also thankful for my dog Harper, who is my listening ear, Twitter, which is my soundboard, and live music which brings me so much happiness.” 
 Bill Maloney, Sr. Web Developer: “I’m thankful for all the opportunities I’ve been given over the years, and the strong web of support from friends and family.”


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