How to Increase Private Equity Valuation through Website Development

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Investors, whether venture capitalists, private equity firms, or angels are all looking for the same thing – where to invest their funds to maximize their returns. Investors are looking for high growth potential and rapid incremental value in order to create a higher valuation with an exit strategy.

It’s important to acquire customers as quickly as possible, but it’s also important to keep them. Strategic Website Development with a Self-Serve Customer Experience Portal does both.

By 2020, IBM estimates that 85% of customer service interactions will be handled without a human agent.
Fortune, Nov 1, 2018

One of the most impactful ways to grow a company and increase value is to improve your website and provide a means to support and communicate with your customers.

Today a company’s website is much more than a marketing tool, it’s a platform to support your customer through their entire lifecycle. It contains products or services, a means of contact, makes collateral material available and establishes support. CMO Survey results also show that excellent customer service and superior product quality has become more important to customers than relationship or price. If you recently invested in a company, the best returns will be in web-based automated tools like, Hubspot CRM, Zen Desk and Online documentation. Often times it is the first step in the sales process or in the case of e-commerce, represents the entire sales process.

You’ve invested, they are growing, now what?

It’s time to develop a Strategic Customer Experience Portal. Companies are confused with which technologies to use and how to implement them. Customer Experience Portals bring these technologies together in a single seamless environment that establishes virtual relationships with customers. Customers want self service in a protected, self-serve environment where they can order products, access a knowledge base, issue support tickets, download upgrades, and communicate with other like-minded customers. These portals provide private, secure, integrated access to all of these automation tools.

  • Where marketing websites fall short, we are focused on acquisition & engagement.
  • With Single Sign On (SSO) for your SFA, CRM, and other web-based services each user has private, role-based access to support documentation, a knowledge base and FAQs.
  • The portal is customized for your business. Access options are for customers, partners or employees.
  • Your users gather, share knowledge and leave empowered

An experienced web development team ensures investment success

When choosing an online partner to increase portfolio valuations, look for a company that is familiar with the investment environment, has experienced mergers and acquisitions and has a track record of increasing company valuation and spurring growth. Individuals and firms with this experience are strategically savvy enough to identify and exploit potential opportunities unique to the investment world, and deliver on growth tactics. Companies with strong marketing support are able to improve the traction of a product or service launch and accelerate market entry.

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CommonPlaces has delivered hundreds of Self-Serve portals and our clients report an increase in customer retention and satisfaction, with great ROI. We have facilitated a number of higher valuation investments and exit strategies for investors. Our investment experience, combined with strategic web technology practices, will increase portfolio company values. With over 1,000 projects launched, we can identify development pitfalls and build a successful project.


Helping B2B leaders use technology to drive business

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The Decline of Customer Service in the Age of Technology

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