Why We Chose Mavenlink as Our Project Management Tool
A few of our top considerations when choosing a new project management tool that meets the needs of our business and our clients.

5 Tips When Choosing Project Management Software
An article that outlines the 5 steps we followed when choosing project management software.

Make Your Website a Better Salesperson
Let your website act as a salesperson to convert more leads and build lasting relationships with visitors by following these tips.

Should I Upgrade to Drupal 7 or Drupal 8?
Drupal 6 end of life date is February 24, 2016. If your website is running on Drupal 6, it’s time to think about upgrading to Drupal 7 or Drupal 8.

What Makes A Great Website? 10 Website Trends
A website is your first digital impression. It’s important to make a great one. Here’s 10 website trends to look out for including responsive and minimalism design principals.

CIOReview’s Most Promising Web Development Providers in 2015
CommonPlaces has been recognized as one of the 20 Most Promising Web Development & Design Solution Providers in 2015 by CIOReview Magazine.