10 Ways to Optimize your eCommerce

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It’s never too late to optimize your shopping cart. I was reading a great article in Website Magazine recently, regarding how to optimize the eCommerce experience, and I came across some great tips.

10 things you should Optimize If you Are Selling products online.

Make sure you optimize your ecommerce presence.

1. Checkout. 

Always keep the checkout process simple and easy. Offer a guest or anonymous checkout. You will lose a lot of orders by forcing customers to create a profile.

2. Images.

Providing crystal clear images with the ability to zoom or rotate will increase your sales. Remember, your images are your showroom.

3. Product Data.

Having good clear product information will lower your return rate and increase sales. People have become very smart in regards to buying products.

4. Customer Support.

We have found that our clients who use Live Chat close more business. Especially for products that are not your everyday commodity.

5. Security.

Make sure you have a SSL security certificate and display the badge on every secure page. Customers are concerned about their credit card information and would rather have a brand name like VeriSign or Truste than some unknown.

6. Navigation.

Make it easy to find your products with simple easy-to-understand navigation. A good search tool is a must for commerce sites. They can’t buy it if they can’t find it.

7. Localization.

Next year more people will be using mobile than desktop. Adding Geo-location capabilities is a must if you have brick and mortar stores.

8. Landing Pages.

Make sure that every product has its own specific page with the proper keywords and tags. Don’t forget a clear call to action outlining a benefit to get the buy.

9. Reviews.

Your past customers are great salesmen for your products. Provide reviews with a 5 star rating. You will be amazed by some of the wonderful ideas and comments people will write. Don’t worry about a few bad reviews, everyone expects them.

10. Recommended Products.

A great way to move slow products. Web shoppers love specials and someone telling them it is good deal.

It’s also critical that you have a professional shopping cart. Check out my previous blog on “How to Choose the best Ecommerce Shopping Cart.”

Do you have any other tips on improving the eCommerce experience? Let us know!


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