5 Surprising Facts about New Hampshire Manufacturing

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This is the week that New Hampshire celebrates Manufacturing Week, and takes the time to acknowledge this important sector of our economy. While the recovery in manufacturing has been slow since the great recession began, economic forecasts since early 2013 have indicated clear and steady progress.

Here are some things that you should know, from the National Association of Manufacturers.

  1. New Hampshire’s leading manufactured products are computer and electronic products. Telephone equipment and military communication systems are other significant manufactured products.
  2. Manufacturers in New Hampshire account for 11.8 percent of the total output in the state, employing over 10% of the workforce.
  3. There are almost 1900 manufacturing businesses in New Hampshire.
  4. Total output from manufacturing was $7.7 billion in 2011.
  5. In 2013 New Hampshire exported $3.2 billion in products.

We support the efforts of the New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Program in promoting the manufacturing industry in our home state.

For more information, see http://www.nam.org/

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