San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association Launches New Website

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San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

The San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association announce the launch of their new website, designed and developed by CommonPlaces, Inc.

This non-profit organization, dedicated to the promotion and support of all varieties of woodworking activities, was founded in 1982. Their membership, now in excess of over 1000, includes men and women with a wide range of woodworking skills. Over the past 35 years the Association’s focus on supporting its membership has expanded to encompass education and fostering the appreciation and creation of fine woodworking. Thanks to the participation of its members and the work of its officers and committees, the San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association continues to evolve, providing service to the community while promoting and supporting the art and craft of woodworking.

CommonPlaces, Inc. worked with The San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association to craft a website that was easily navigable, and also provided its members with many unique features that they all could utilize. Features on the website include a gallery of award winning entries the annual Design in Wood Exhibition at the San Diego County Fair, current and past issues of the Association newsletter, and a detailed list of the association’s ever expanding video library.

‘We think that this is an amazing looking site that is both inviting and informative,’ says Kendra Bassi, Project manager at CommonPlaces, Inc. ‘It also gives SDFWA the opportunity to manage their members through the website.’

CommonPlaces was originally founded in 1998 to provide hosted, web-based solutions to over 250 colleges and universities. During that time, CommonPlaces also owned innovative sites such as (of which patents and technology sold as basis of in 2003),, and (an early precursor to sites like Facebook). In 2003, CommonPlaces re-emerged as a premier open-source development firm. Since then, CommonPlaces has helped establish and strengthen the Web presence of over 450 successful projects throughout the country. Today, CommonPlaces has evolved into a digital agency which combines its well-established experience in web and application development with the magic of inbound digital marketing to deliver unique solutions to businesses and organizations of all sizes.

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