Our New Year’s Resolutions

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2014 was a year of amazing growth for CommonPlaces. In January, there was a visit to the White House. We received not one, but two prestigious awards. There was an eye-opening visit to Austin, and another to MIT. We ran a marketing contest for manufacturers. (Congratulations to our friends at Rhino Hide, by the way.) There was an exciting visit from New Hampshire Governor, Maggie Hassan, and a terrific night out at the local ballpark.

What’s ahead for 2015? Well, while we can’t predict everything that will come our way, it’s safe to say that we have plans for continued growth and success. We also fully expect to take no prisoners in our ongoing Nerf wars!

Ben Bassi (President and CEO)

My New Year’s resolution is to meet with our customers on a regular basis. This past quarter I have met with a number of clients in an effort to understand what they like about CommonPlaces, and what they feel we could do to build a better company. Conversely, our clients are also are gaining a better understudying all of the products and services we have to help them out.

Michael Reich (COO)

Professional: I need to focus my efforts on managing the team by dedicating certain time to regular one-on-one meetings, providing honest feedback and criticism, and learning about what makes them tick. I frequently take them for granted and focus on my own responsibilities and this often gets neglected.

Personal: More patience with my kids. I tend to express disappointment in them when they mess up since I have such high expectations from them, when sometimes all it calls for is a good laugh and joining in the fun.

Kendra Strickler (Director of Sales and Marketing)

My goal this year is to blog more, take more pictures, and to not hit the snooze button multiple times so I actually make it to the gym in the morning.

Joshua Albert

This year, I will finally finish a project I started a couple years ago – the creation of a new musical instrument – an upright, hand-held MIDI controller (like a guitar) which plugs into a synth to generate sound.

This year, I will spend more time with my family, be more active in the community, and contribute time and resources toward helping problems associated with homelessness.

This year, I will acquire and experiment with a 3D printer.

This year, I will contribute code, testing, and support to at least one open-source project besides Drupal (I’m thinking the game “nerds in space” has some potential).

This year, I will take the first steps at achieving my ultimate goal of world domination, and practice my sinister laugh until I’ve mastered it. I will also post an ad on Craigslist to begin recruiting a vast army of loyal minions.

This year, I will go camping more, go on more hikes, ride my bike more, and get some outdoor activity exercise in at least once a week.

Carolyn Bowers

I resolve to utilize my personal LinkedIn page more, by sharing content and interacting with others.

I resolve not to cry rivers of tears if my beloved Atlanta Braves fail to make the playoffs.

Bryan Campbell

In 2015 I am going to learn Python and Ruby.

I will also be better about wearing my safety goggles while in the office.

Ryan Coulombe

This year I will become a “Cable Cutter” and will explore using just the internet for all TV even though I don’t actually watch TV to begin with, which is a reason for cable cutting.

Amanda Downie

I resolve to buy a piano, visit San Diego, and become a Javascript master.

Colby Johnson

Besides forming an official Nerf dart gun army out of our development team, for my New Year’s resolution I would like to help streamline Commonplaces inefficiencies as much as possible, and begin to be a part in the growth and success of this company. I hope to continue to build comradery in the office, and create a well-oiled machine of a team to work with. In the process I would like to expand my knowledge of Drupal as a whole and become a master of my craft.

Gary Locke

I resolve to create (and maintain) a monthly podcast for CommonPlaces.

I resolve to find a way to fit Instagram into our Marketing plan.

I resolve to read more books, perform in stage productions of Marat/Sade and Death and the Maiden, and direct the world premiere of Hemingway’s Wife ‘- All before June 1st.

I also resolve to maintain my sanity, and a respectable level of sobriety, while accomplishing all my resolutions!

Lemuel Santos

My New Year’s Resolutions

1. I resolve to improve my communication and programming skills’_

2. I will strive toward being more human by helping and caring more about other people’_ because The Journey of Life Is Not Meant to Be Done Alone.

Devin Swett

I resolve to stop shooting my co-workers in the eyes with nerf darts.

I resolve to get the new HubSpot-integrated CommonPlaces website launched!

I resolve to increase my knowledge of mobile application development.

Stanley Tremblay

I resolve’_

To be the most accurate with my Nerf gun by taking out targets with special ops precision

To spread lots of Account Management cheer by singing loud for all to hear (or making sure that projects get done on time and on budget…)


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